The SF Women Artists Org was asked to mount a show at the Oakland Aviation Museum. While not my normal subject matter, I managed to come up with three that will be on show from June 6 to July 15. There will also be an ‘Open Cockpit Day’ on June 15th with music and BBQ.

Coincidental story about the two end images: I and some friends were routing around the ‘Take What You Want’ pile at the recent Recology art show, and my friend noticed a large proof of a portfolio of prints of oil paintings of early RAF plans. The painter was Tony White, the renderings are pretty enough to make fighter planes attractive and the description page for each one gives plane geeks more than they ever need to know! So I borrowed the lot and photographed all the pictures. Two of them went through my let’s-see-what-THIS-filter-will-do-to-it activity, and voila!