This page lists links to travel photos, chronologically (oldest at the bottom) since I started keeping digital records, somewhere in the late ’90s.
Earliest years link to some quite old-fashioned photo pages. Technology and I both improved as the years went on… One of these days, I might start scanning all my paper photographs of all the traveling I did while living in England (1985 – 1998), but that’s a project for another time – or never?
NY – NJ 2024 – My Bay Area friend Ellen and I headed out to the east coast early one morning for a week of exploring Manhattan – especially parts Ellen hadn’t experienced – and then after she went home, I continued for another week and then headed north to see Caren and Camille in their new home in Red Hook in the Hudson Valley. Here’s the NJ-heavy album…
May-June 2023 – 8 Days in France before heading home. It was hard to decide how long to stay, back when I was booking my ticket. Kept wishing for more days, but really it was perfect. I got out before the tourists and the heatwave got in. Still, though…. I do so love being there. Here’s my slide show complete with several short videos. Enjoy Paris with a Pinch of Bordeaux.
May 2023 – Two weeks discovering Tunisia – maybe my best group trip ever plus what a way to celebrate my birthday – in the middle of the Sahara Desert! The slideshow has a LOT of pictures – Thank me for reducing the number of photos from 1000 to 600, but for me, it will serve as a reminder of a super experience. For anyone else, just enjoy, skip around, whatever. Here it is: Tunisia 2003.
And a quick plug: if you want to try Overseas Adventure Travels – this trip or any other of their small group adventures, please cite me as a referral – we both save money that way…
December 2022 – Christmas week in San Miguel de Allende. Different kind of colorful from it’s neighboring city – all buildings need to be in the prescribed earth tones. Streets are just as hilly but straight and gridded, so easy to find one’s way. More touristy than Guanajuato, but just as much to wander to and wonder at. As the center continues to expand, the traffic will get worse. One surprise was that half the ‘well-heeled’ new residents are Mexican! Welcomed after the Mexico City earthquake. A very enjoyable week. Here’s San Miguel day by day.
December 2022 – Off to Mexico to end the year and explore two cities I had not visited before. I arrived in Guanajuato in the evening, made my way to the airbnb (a very short walk up a very steep hill) very near the centro. Roberto, a welcoming host, helped me find my way around and pointed me to some dinner possibilities. In the morning Cristina arrived from LA and our exploration of this color-explosive, hilly, tunneled, and fascinating city began. Here are a whole lot of photos. San Miguel will be next.
January 2022 – A two-week tour of Colombia with Overseas Adventure Travels, fascinating, hopeful, colorful. Binged all seasons of Narco before leaving and it was useful. The resilience and involvement of the people in reimagining their country just a couple of decades later is evident everywhere. The physical country has all climates, all terrains, and is now attacking the inequalities, poverty and corruption to create a country full of fresh ideas and much to offer. My somewhat chronological photo album is here.
April in Paris 2019 – A long week in Paris, arriving the day after the Notre Dame fire. Stayed in the 10th which was new to me; visited lesser known sites, toured neighborhoods. My friend Sue was there for her birthday, so I sampled a vegan birthday party in a Parisian café; ran into some Yellow Vest protests and did a lot of watching street people, street music, and street art, and of course saw a fair amount of jazz. Who knew there would be no more travel for three years! Unsorted album here.
November-December 2018 – Three weeks in Morocco – Casablanca, Chefchaouen, The Rif Mountains, Tangier, Rabat, Meknes, Fes, Erfoud, Merzouga, Ouarzazate, Marrakech and Essaouira. The pictures I saw fit to show are all in the Morocco portfolio. The daily phone shots with commentary are on my facebook page. I hope they inspire you as much as the country inspired me.
August 2018 – Two weeks in New York, one in Ossining (Westchester County) to see Caren & Camille’s new house, new dog, old friends and good jazz, and another in Manhattan – half in Stuytown and half on the Upper East Side. Enjoy the show.
May 2018 – The third week of my South American adventure was in Chile, mostly the Atacama desert with a couple of short dips into Santiago. Need to return to the latter – and visit Valparaiso, but for now, here’s the slideshow
April 2018 – Two weeks in Southern Peru and Bolivia including Lake Titicaca and the Uyuni Salt Flats before flying to the Chilean Atacama desert. Take the trip with me here!
January 2018 – 15 days in France accompanied by Robin Allen. First week in Bouzigues, in the Languedoc, with Debb and Reed Eller with two days off in Aix-En-Provence, and then back up to Paris for the last 8 days of exploring, gazing, eating, drinking, and walking many miles. Sad to leave, but here’s the evidence. All photos with me in them, courtesy of Ms Robin Allen,
December 2017 – A few days in sunny LA with my friend Cristina, learning how Winter is experienced in la la land, exploring new parts and having another great adventure, despite the fires to the west. Some fun shots here.
July 2017 – Machu Picchu: Two days climbing and being amazed at this magic place, only a small amount of it being made visible so far. Word is there are more cities deep in the forests around. Some of the sites are in this little album.
July 2017 – Started and ended the ‘side trip’ to Machu Picchu in Cusco, which is a lovely city and needs another visit. The original center of the Inka civilization, it has much history and color and is a vibrant place now. Aside from getting aclimated to the altitude, we visited a family for a meal, participated in a Shaman ceremony, and wandered magnificent ruins. A few shots here.
July 2017 – A Week on the Amazon River – Probably the most fascinating part of the Peru adventure – a very nice ‘small ship’, just 24 cabins and fairly modern, with a great crew. Each day a new adventure including one or more skiff rides to various places or activities. Check out the album here.
July 2017 – Lima & Iquitos – For 5 days before boarding the Amazon River vessel our group of 19 explored Lima and Iquitos, the latter being the entry point for the river. Lots of cultural extremes, color and laughter, great food and much learning about the war with Chile, independence from Spain, pre-Incas and the way of life in cities and on the water. Photos here.
July 2017 – San Salvador – On my way to Peru for the trip of my lifetime (so far), I took advantage of a long stopover in San Salvador and had a private tour. It had some surprises! Album Here.
July 2017 – A week in the Twin Cities and Wisconsin – A second exploration of Minneapolis and St Paul. Found good movies, interesting restaurants, clean air and great weather in the Cities. Then Wisconsin in the rain with a day in Duluth – with no rain. Here’s the album.
April 2017 – New York – finally with no weddings or bar mitzvahs to attend – just a bit of time for me to wander the familiar streets with the now unfamiliar new re-purposed structures, see friends, catch some music and explore a bit of the ‘new’ Yonkers where I haven’t been since I worked there 40 plus years ago. Album Here.
January 2017 – Costa Rica with Overseas Adventure Travel followed by a long weekend in Panama City with just two of us. An amazing 3 weeks of Nature and Panamanian urban (plus the canal) Here’s the main event.
September 2016 – Hayward, Wisconsin and environs and then a weekend in Minneapolis. Here are the pretty pictures
March 2016 – Roatan, Honduras. Annual snorkeling holiday with Trish Lane. Discovered this bit of paradise which I’d like to continue discovering. Snuba, Snorkeling, Kayaking, searching (in vain) for a good martini, generally enjoying the languid life. Signs of ‘Cancunization’ on the edges, but basically pretty natural, though the coral is not in great shape Here are a few shots – and relax — I did not include ALL the underwater photos. .
January 2016 – 8 days in Cuba. Road Scholar group of 24 really cool people. Stayed at the Hotel Nacional in Havana and the 1950’s Jagua Hotel (ex-Hilton) in Cienfuegos. Toured Havana, countryside, Cienfuegos, Trinidad, Santa Clara and places in between. Warm up your coffee, put your feet up and enjoy my not so little album. .
January 2016 – Some days in Miami Beach enroute to and from Cuba. Got to do some sailing in Key Largo, hit the beach in Miami, discover the new Perez Art Museum and catch up with old friends. A few iconic shots here..
October 2015 – Roadtrip to Portland, Oregon, a city I somehow never got to before. Enjoyed the ride and very much enjoyed the city. A little album here..
In April I accompanied my friend Gracielle on a trip to Greece including a short cruise of some islands and a quick foray into Turkey to see Ephesus. At the end I stayed in London for 5 days, catching up with friends and drinking as much culture as I could find. Here are the pictures.
February 2015 – Trish Lane, my intrepid snorkeling friend, and I journeyed back to Akumal on the Mexican Carabbean where we spent a week in 2010. Same apartment, same clear water, more tourists in the lagoon and many more mosquitoes everywhere but a wonderful near-empty beach for daily explorations. I also discovered kayaking which I loved. We did some cave touring and underground snorkling and of course much eating in the many superb restaurants there. Here’s the ‘fun’ album. The more artsy photographs are in a slideshow on the News page, and hopefully will be seen in the occasional art show around town.
October 2014 – BLUES CRUISE – lotsa music plus Cabo, Mazatlan and Puerto Vallarta. Not sure it counts for travel, but I think I’m getting a little of the cruise bug – if carefully chosen. This one involved a whole lotta dancing and not too much touring. We went around the edges of a hurricane just short of Cabo and that was certainly an experience. Hot, very windy rain on the deck and a moving dancefloor. By morning it was still as glass.
January 2014 – NEW ORLEANS plus a little Cruise to Cozumel – Click on links below
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Cruise Day 1 – from Galveston
Cruise Day 2 – Exploring the Ship
Cruise Day 3 – Merida, Yucatan
Cruise Day 4 – Watching the Cruisers Yucatan
July 2013 – Train trip to New York via Chicago; road trip to Berkeshire, Pennsylvania and Washington DC – See the album HERE.
April 2013 – Los Angeles – It had been so long, I realized I had to see this California city again. Thanks to my friend Cristina, I had a bed and a tour guide for three wonderful days. The highlights are in an album here. Have a look!
Oct-Nov 2012 – Chicago – Finally made it to the Windy City – and five days was not enough of course. What beautiful architecture! No travelog, but the photo album is here.
March 2012 – Belize – Two days in Crooked Tree (Protected nature reserve with wonderful birds) in the north and one week further south on the coast in Placencia – for snorkeling, sailing, eating, and just being Jimmy Buffet without the margaritas. See the travelog here.
Photos that made it into albums are:
Birdwatching started early so we’ll start with it. The album grew as we found birds in the south of Belize too! It was tough not to include ALL the pelican shots, but several made it in. See it HERE.
Structures – color and black and white – many buildings only barely survived the recent earthquake. Some have been rebuild next to their predecessors. Hurricane Iris left many people homeless. What is left are haunting reminders of both the power of nature and the determination of people to have a ‘home’. I was constantly fascinated by things like (matching) lace curtains in windows of shanties. View the whole album HERE.
Belize Faces – The album of people includes shots from the car at roadside stands or markets, kids playing, people we passed while walking and sometimes portraits with full permission. See it HERE

November 2011 – 10 days on the East Coast, mostly in NY, but with a 2-day excursion to Philadelphia and Allentown/Bethlehem. A photo-travelog of the latter is HERE. Some of the ‘artsy’ photos from this trip are making their way to my portfolio.
April 2010 – A week in the Mayan Riviera Snorkeling is superb! I want to do lots and lots more of it. There’s a travelblog here.
January 2010 – A week in Ciudad Mexico. Glorious! (in between dental appointments in La Paz.)
December 2009 – Back in the Apple. New York, I do love you!
October 2009 – A day at the DiRosa Gallery in Sonoma, CA.
July 2009 Fourth of July in the Delta with Larry and the ‘Grand Banksters’.
May 2009 – An impromtu visit to Barbara’s house in Wilmington, NC.
There’s a second album of the coast down to Cape Fear.
March 2009 – this return to La Paz included the dental implant, whale watching and a day on the Sea of Cortez in a Ranger 33.
January 2009 – Now the ‘dental visits’ begin. First trip to La Paz (the one in Mexico) with Allen to locate a dental implant specialist, while enjoying the sites, people and food of course.
November 2007 – another city I’d missed when living in Europe – Torino, Italy. Just the right size for a weekend away from London.
May 2007 – a week’s roadtrip through Eastern Oregon with visits to cousin Denny in Ashland at either end. Discovered the desert, fossils, a natural spa and some great Thai food.
November 2006 – a long weekend exploring the Redwoods and Fort Bragg with Ed.
October 2006 – with my Brit friends Sally and Keith, I finally got to Madrid.
August 2006 – met Caren and Jeremy in Vancouver for a weekend of touring, biking and pretty good eats. [NOTE: CURRENTLY CANNOT FIND THESE FILES!]
Spring 2006 – short break in Sardinia with Cristina. Tried out Flickr for these, and didn’t like it.
And here are some occasional bursts of camera inspiration in LONDON over several visits.
March 2005 – an afternoon on the River Wey, SW of London with Ann and Bill Sproul.
December 2005 – Mary and I make a two week visit to Buenos Aires to visit Gracielle.
February 2004 – a long weekend in Southern Portugal with Cristina.
2003 – Easter in Italy – always a pleasure. This trip involved renting a camper van in Rome with travel buddy Jack Emo and heading south along the western coast with a week-long excursion around Sicily and then back to Rome via the east side of the ‘boot’. One highlight: the Bull races in Ururi, an Albanian town in SE Italy.
Back to Florida in April 2002 for a trip to the Keys and the Miami-Key Largo race.
No wind but lots of fun.
December 2001 – spent this Christmas discovering South Florida with Larry Thorson who had just relocated there.
May 2001 – traveling around the southwestern US with my ‘brother’ Eric Schlesinger.
In December 2000, I signed up for a group camping trip to Guadalupe Canyon in the Sonora. The trailer broke down outside of Mexicali on Christmas Eve, resulting in one night in a motel and an interesting Christmas day getting the axel fixed.
November 2000 – a lovely week in Tenerife with my friend Lindsay.
June 2000 – my second and last Rendezvous, this one in Susanville, CA.
In June 1999 I went to my first Pacific Rendezvous – where everything is pre-1840 (with the exception of eyeglasses, no later items can be seen outside one’s teepee. I made or borrowed most of my clothing, learned how to bead and sew leather, and generally had a great time.
In December 1997 I went to Vietnam, landed in Ho Chi Min City (Saigon) and left from Hanoi, taking planes trains and vans in between. I’ve since spoken to friends who’ve been there more recently, which made me feel glad I saw it then.
This be it for now….